Acupuncture is an ancient healing art which is now being integrated with present day medical treatment for both people and animals. It involves the use of very fine needles inserted into the skin at areas of the body, specific for treating certain ailments. The needles stimulate responses in the body such as increasing circulation, relaxing tense muscles and reduction of inflammation and pain.
What can acupuncture be used for?
It can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments but is especially effective in helping to increase mobility and reducing pain associated with arthritis.
Can it be used with other treatments?
Yes. Acupuncture can be used alone or in conjunction with medication such as anti-inflammatories or herbal or homeopathic treatments.
What is involved in a course of treatment?
An initial appointment taking about 30 minutes is made with the vet to assess your pet's condition and suitability for acupuncture and the first treatment carried out. Your pet needs to be settled either on the table or floor, either standing or lying down, for some minutes. Up to 10 sterile needles may be used during a session - these are very fine and your pet will hardly feel them being inserted a short distance.
Do I need to stay with my pet?
Sometimes it is best not to as the animal may settle better, but other times it is very suitable for the owner to be present.
How will my pet be after treatment?
Your pet may be sleepy after acupuncture as it can have a very calming and relaxing effect. Very occasionally the symptoms may seem wore initially but there may be improvement within a few days. Sometimes there is a cumulative effect and that is why several sessions are planned.
How many treatments are needed?
Usually a course of 4 sessions are planned, once weekly for 4 weeks. The first will take approximately 30 minutes and the following 20 minutes.
What happens after the initial 4 week course?
Your pet's response will be assessed at the end of this time. If there has been improvement the sessions will continue but less frequently - for example after 3 weeks, then after 5 weeks, then as seen to be necessary as a regular 'top-up session'. Some animals - like some people - do not respond to acupuncture, so if there is no response in this time the treatment would stop.
What is the cost?
The cost is £20 per session. Please note that insurance companies usually cover the cost of acupuncture treatment but you are advised to check with your insurance company first.
Who will perform the acupuncture treatment?
Dr. Jane Hunter, veterinary surgeon, has trained on both veterinary courses and medical courses with doctors through the British Medical Acupuncture Association and is a member of this organisation.
When can an appointment be arranged?
Telephone Jane directly on 07796 212056.